Activities of Jinrui Aizenka
The General Headquarters strive for the following
8 items to realize the ideals of Onisaburo Deguchi:
①Informing the teachings of salvation
②Art and culture
③Social welfare and disaster rescue
⑤Food and agriculture
⑥Energy and environment
⑦Peace activity: interfaith and world federation
⑧Esperanto movement
① Informing the teachings of salvation
Students of the Maitry School in Kathmandu, Nepal are studying Oomoto Teaching led by the principal of the school Mr. Bajracharya who is the Secretary General of the ULBA Swoyambhu, Napal.
Oomoto Workshop for foreigners is held at the Kameoka Center, Japan to learn Oomoto Teachings.
② Art and Culture
Japanese Tea Ceremony prasentation at the Oomoto Roma Branch
Japanese Tea Ceremony prasentation at Mahidol University, Salaya, Thailand
③ Social welfare and disaster rescue
Piglet Project by the ULBA Marinduque Branch, Philippines.
The piglet project is based on giving child a baby pig.
Aid activity for victims of big earthquakes.
④ Bioethics
We oppose the transplanting of organs from brain-dead patients.
We give our wholehearted support to abolishing the death penalty from the position of protecting the dignity of life.
The 1st International Conference of IRUHA in
Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand in 2016
International Meeting for Spiritual Representatives
August 5th - 7th, 2017, Kameoka, Japan
The 2nd International Conference of IRUHA
in Mahidol University, Thailand in 2018